Kelsey Jordan, owner and founder of the cheerleading gym Galaxy Cheer, checks her schedule for the day before the Shooting Stars perform at the Cheer Derby in the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Ky. “It’s going to be a long day,” Jordan said. “I left home this morning at 2 am. It’s also the first overnight without my daughter, so we’ll see how it goes.” Jordan checked in her first team, the Shooting Stars, at 7:20 am and did not leave until 9 pm after the award ceremony for the older teams in the competition.

Jordan sits with her coaches Haley Sanez, center, and Raegan Skaggs to eat lunch after the second performance of the day by the Mini Meteorites, the xxxx range students. Jordan found a blue snowcone and Sanez bought chicken tenders with the coaches’ meal vouchers.

The Shooting Stars and the Mini Meteorites wait together for the awards ceremony at the Cheer Derby. Both teams won participation medals for their performances.

Kelsey Jordan speaks to her students before practice at Galaxy Cheer. The team had won an award the weekend prior. 

Jordan holds a student’s legs in the air as other students practice holding her up for a cheer stunt in Galaxy Cheer during a practice.

Jordan receives some snacks from her one year old daughter, Sally, as Jordan’s mother, Sarah Katherine, leaves with her daughter, Evie, 3, after assisting Jordan in coaching the toddler lesson at Galaxy Cheer. 

Kelsey Jordan , left, Sally Jordan, center, and Bryan Jordan feed the goats on their farm in Frankfort, Ky., on Saturday, March 8, 2025. “Can you catch one for Sally?” Kelsey Jordan said to Bryan Jordan. 

Kelsey Jordan cleans her house in preparation for a showing at their home while Sally watches a video in their kitchen in Frankfort, Ky.

Kelsey Jordan writes a note to leave in her house during the showing of their home in Frankfort, Ky., on Saturday, March 8, 2025. “They’re gonna love this house,” Jordan said. “I hope they see the notes. I’m putting a lot information on here about downtown Franklin.” 

Kelsey Jordan puts her dog, Itsy Bitsy Spider, on Sally’s lap as the family prepares to leave their house empty for a showing to another couple from Florida. The family went to downtown Franklin to eat breakfast while the real estate agent showed the house.

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