Photo by Carol Coronado
Man… I love what I do. I have an incredible opportunity to be the eyes of history, whether it’s a basketball game or a protest that changes the government. I think that’s pretty sick. 
I’m currently a junior in the Photojournalism program at Western Kentucky University (expected to grad. May 2026). I supplement my education with experience as the Assistant Photo Editor for the WKU Herald. I’ve interned for Evansville Living Magazine, Camp Ozark, and I currently work as a freelance photojournalist in the Bowling Green/Nashville area. 
As a student photojournalist, I’m pretty busy. My life consists of To-Do lists in order to stay on top of all my tasks. If that’s what it takes, I’m more than okay with that.
I’m a man of faith and that drives my craft to a place far beyond simply photographing as a practice or an art. I see photographs as a window into the soul, which is the most important thing to me. That’s why I shoot. I love meeting people and hearing their story. 
My dream is to travel and tell stories of global humanity through my lens. Until that happens, I take every opportunity I can to grow and learn in different skillsets.
You can find me doing the odd thing on any given day. I could be journaling, reading, or meeting with anyone while enjoying a great cup of coffee. 
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